Wednesday 18 December 2019

You can rely on me

You can rely on me.
How often do you say those words and truly mean it?

We all like to think we’d be there for someone when they need us but it’s easy to get caught up,in your own little bubble. Things can get in the way of us being there in everyday life, yet one small moment in your life could make a huge difference in somebody else’s.

We’re all guilty of being too busy to talk to someone or meeting up and can take these moments for granted.
It’s important to remember to take a little time for those special people in your life that mean something to you.
Before it’s too late.

Ask simple questions like - ‘how are you’, ‘what are you up to’ 
You can reach out to someone in their darkness without even being aware of it.
People struggling or going through hard times mentally are usually quite good at hiding the fact.
They might just need you to lend an ear so they can clear their mental fog 🌫 or they may need another point of view to help organise and deal with their problems.

Sometimes people just need reassurance that there is a way out of their problems and that they aren’t a burden on others.

Take the time to help them, would you want someone to be there for you.

Don’t ignore that missed phone call or text message because it might be the reply that they need.


Oneideatoday xxx

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